“We understand that a girl can do anything no matter who she is."

9th Grade class, iTeach Pune
The Wonder Girls book was used in a pilot program at iTeach schools where it was incorporated into the syllabus of 8th, 9th, and 10th grades. The teachers at iTeach designed modules around the book to engage the students with various aspects of it. In one such exercise, students were asked to express over email their gratitude towards the author and what the book meant to them personally.
Below are a select edited quotes from some of their emails:
Our experience while reading this book was so amazing. We went through different emotions while reading this book and we also learnt different values like grit, hardwork, and others.
~ Armaan Bhola & Pratik Kamble
It has increased our awareness about different platforms which exist in the world. Somewhere it has helped us to change our mindset. It has shown us that even after failure life offers you a second chance. We should be determined in different situations and must always keep hope with us.
~ Ajay Shukla and Vivek Pandey
We understand that a girl can do anything no matter who she is. From this book, we get to learn how to reap the power of our own dreams.
~ Muskaan and Pratik
My experience with this book was amazing because I have learned various values like hard work, to never give up, and to do something with full interest and passion. I am inspired to be an author.
~ Anusaya Gaikwad
This book has a lot to say about the wonder careers done by these women.
~ Rishabh and Shrutika
We are amazed at how women can do things in the way Rugby Captain: Neha Pardeshi , Neurosurgeon; Vasundhara Rangan and many more did. They have shown courage. We are motivated by them and so excited to explore the world.
~ Arjun Vishwakarma, and Mayur Pacharne
The chapters we have explored were so inspiring for all of us. Before reading this book I was not aware of the fact that girls could also be scientists and that they had the capability to work in such different fields with different people.
~ Kartik, Sujal, and Pranav
Our favourite character is Prerna Sharma because in her journey there were lots of obstacles and moments where she could have taken a step back but did not. Now she is a Physics Professor in one of the best colleges in the country.
~ Zoha, Vaibhav, and Rakhi
This book was interesting and helped us to understand the different career options available to us.
~ Ameendin and Sahil