The Wonder Girls Club with Actor Shweta Tripathi
At the heart of “The Wonder Girls Club” is the creation of an online space where relatable female role models from diverse careers can interact with students and answer some of their most pressing questions.
Our first session in this series was with Actor Shweta Tripathi. It was an hour of introspection, inspiration and some very candid advice! Here are our 10 key takeaways:
- Sometimes it takes time to find your passion. Expose yourself to different ideas, struggle a little. Clarity will come.
- Intention matters a lot. Why are you doing what you’re doing? You should love your work and chase it. There will be many who will not support you in the beginning of your journey.
- Parental support is really important! Communication is key in all family disputes. But believe in the fact that your time will come, no one can squash pure talent.
- Many people in this country never even get a shot at chasing their dreams, so if you have the opportunity, run after it.
- Always be choosy with the work you do. Never settle for something mediocre or do it for the money. Wait for the right opportunity.
- Never let either success or failure affect your attitude. Always: be Grateful, be ready for criticism, and work hard.
- It is good to be inspired but don’t fall prey to peer pressure.
- Always be prepared, do your homework, be ready.
- Do things for your own happiness sometimes, not for an end goal.
- “Growth is always important and necessary. Take risks, get as many experiences as possible.”