Student Testimonials
“My teacher told me to read 3 stories from Wonder Girls for our lessons, but I went ahead and read the entire book because I loved the book. Wonder Girls has inspired me to think seriously about my studies and my career. I have learnt the importance of having passion and grit to achieve what you want. I aspire to be a homeopathic or a general physician doctor when I grow up and Wonder Girls has inspired me to study and work harder. The second chapter of Neurosurgeon Vasundhara Ranjan is my favourite. She is my role model.”

Huma Zharheen
Grade 10 student, iTeach (RSM)

Sourabh Nikam
Grade 10 student, iTeach (RSM)
“I was really inspired by the struggles the girls face throughout Wonder Girls and the way they fought to achieve success. It made me want to pursue my own goals with more determination. What I have learnt from the book is that there are many uncommon things I can do and still be really successful. Reading the book was a great experience for me.”
“I love Wonder Girls because at first I used to think that girls can’t do anything but after reading the book I changed my mind. I used to think why a book of all girls instead of boys? But Wonder Girls helped me change my mind. I am truly inspired by the women featured in Wonder Girls.”

Shubham Khilare
Grade 10 student, iTeach (RSM)
A school leader talks about Wonder Girls
Teach Wonder Girls
Educate your students about diverse career paths and the choices that exist in the world. Empower girls with confidence and leadership skills by giving them access to real and relatable role models. Enable boys with empathy and sensitivity needed for survival in today’s world.