

“Wonder Girls is an inspiring set of stories about possibilities that one can relate to – real-life stories about young women achieving success the way they define it. I would gift this book to my daughter. Thanks to Varsha for coming up with this wonderful book and thanks to each of the women featured for sharing her incredible journey. . . truly inspirational!”
Muthiah Venkateswaran, Consultant, Spencer Stuart
“I blazed through the book in two days flat! I think every young woman in India should have the opportunity to read it.”
Radhika Piramal, Vice Chairperson, VIP Industries
“We bought copies of Wonder Girls for all our women employees based out of India. Varsha has done a great job of detailing journeys of 15 girls from our own neighborhoods, going all out, and creating a niche for themselves. The book digs into the essential recipe of overcoming challenges and showcases the making of an extraordinary achievement which is really inspirational for aspiring women of India. Wonder Girls is a great read for all women. I highly encourage everyone to read Wonder Girls and get inspired.”
Ashu Thangaraj, Director of Engineering, OpenText
“These stories in Wonder Girls will empower young women to tap into their immense potential, unconstrained by the expectations of others. If you can see it, or read about it, you can be it!”
Lavanya Ashok, MD, Goldman Sachs
“I read Wonder Girls from cover to cover in one sitting. Collectively the stories illustrate what is possible when a dream is bolstered with fortitude, humility, curiosity, and empathy. I gifted copies to young women I know.”
Anjali Raina, Executive Director, Harvard Business School (India Research Center)
“A must read for all young girls and women in India. I highly recommend it!”
Akshay Kothari, Former Head, LinkedIn India
“Wonder Girls is a fabulous book!”​
Shwetambari Shetty, Celebrity Fitness Trainer
“I wish Wonder Girls existed when I was growing up! It would have made me realize sooner that I had it in me to follow my dreams.”
Kaneez Surka, Improv Artist and Standup Comedian
“This is an inspiring book - captivating success stories of young women who achieved their goals inspite of obstacles.”
Latha Reddy, Former Deputy National Security Adviser of India
“When I was young, I didn’t have a book like Wonder Girls to guide me during my journey. It is definitely a must read for the current generation...for women to find relatable role models to emulate and for men to understand, support, and encourage women around them to shine.”
Vanitha Datla, Vice Chairperson, Elico Ltd
“The stories of role models showcased in this book offer confidence and direction to young women to pursue their dreams. The book highlights in exquisite detail the strength and fortitude with which women overcome the challenges that come their way. A truly inspirational read!”
Priya Naik, Founder & CEO, Samhita Social Ventures
“Wonder Girls is an amazing tapestry of stories of young women who have chosen to be off the beaten track woven together by their strong desire to excel against all odds.”
Revathy Ashok, Co-founder, Strategy Garage
“Real women, real stories is what comes to mind when you read this book.”
Shachi Irde, Chief Consulting Partner, Interweave
“Most people know about people who are successful but very few understand the journey that leads to success. Success is always good and bright but behind every success story there is a lot of struggle and pain. I think Varsha has done a tremendous job of essentially showcasing the journey behind success in her book. Everybody should read Wonder Girls.”
Raghunandan G, Co-founder, TaxiForSure